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She Maps Lighthouse Schools Program is a roaring success !

27/05/2021 11:53 AM | Simon White (Administrator)

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She Maps Managing Director, Paul Mead, says

" The support from The Surveyors Trust has enabled us to build some amazing support services for primary schools and STEM initiatives for inclusive learning outcomes"

Lighthouse Schools Program

Our Lighthouse Schools Program has been developed under the partnership with The Surveyors' Trust in 2021. This is built on the foundation of resources we have developed over the last four years for teachers to use in schools from Prep to Year 12.The program is designed to build a stronger link between schools,industry, and Universities and is based on the Queensland Government's Gateway to Industry Schools Program. This positions the program to seek further funding from the State Government and other corporates, by aligning it with government initiatives. To date,we have achieved the following milestones for this project:
We have employed a Senior Teacher at 0.6 FTE, who has extensive geography teaching experience at the High School level, to manage the program. She is based on the Gold Coast.

We have run an application process to select Lighthouse schools in each of the seven school regions of Queensland. We received 43 initial expressions of interest, 23 nal applications, and have selected 10 schools to participate as Lighthouse Schools. We are also providing support to an additional six schoolsas Pathway Schools.

The Lighthouse Schools will be provided priority access to face to face PD, 1-1 teacher mentoring, face to face student programs, an individualised school development plan to develop capability in the geography and digital technology curriculum areas, and financial support for regional schools to attend professional development in Cairns or Brisbane. Support will also be provided to build local links with the geospatial industry and universities. Pathway Schools will be provided group support, with some individual support if available.

The number of schools originally proposed to be supported through the partnership was seven schools.Due to the large amount of interest in the program we have increased this and provided some additional internal resources to support this increased number of schools.

A two day professional development program is being run in Cairns on 17/18 May, and in Brisbane on 20/21 May for all the Lighthouse Schools, with some places also provided to the Pathway Schools.

A big thanks to The Surveyors Trust for helping make this happen !

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